

API Reference

Before your customers (C2) can start using Mercoa, they need to be added as an Entity. Entities are the businesses that use Mercoa to pay and get paid.

Creating Entities

You can create an entity on the Mercoa Admin UI or via API.

You will need to create an entity for each of your customers that will use Mercoa, and for each counterparty they want to pay.

Mercoa Payments

Mercoa gives you the flexibility to use your own payment rails or use Mercoa’s built-in payment rails. If you are using your own payment rails, your C2 entities only need basic information such as name and email to get started.


If you are using Mercoa’s built-in payment rails, your C2 entities will need to provide additional information to undgergo a KYB (Know Your Business) process. Banking regulations require that financial institutions perform a KYB process to verify an individual or business identity before enabling certain capabilities. All Mercoa accounts are also checked against OFAC and sanctions lists to ensure they are not forbidden from conducting business in the United States.

Payer (C2) KYB Requirements

Legal nameLegal name
Phone or emailWebsite or description
AddressBusiness type
Date of birthEIN
Full SSNAddress
Accept Terms of ServicePhone
Business Representatives
Accept Terms of Service

Separate from KYC, Mercoa business entities must verify business representatives before a business account can be verified. Learn more here


If you are using Mercoa’s built-in payment rails, your C3 entities will need some basic information to receive payments

Vendor (C3) KYB Requirements

Legal nameLegal name
Phone or emailWebsite or description

Capturing Entity Information

If you already have this data in your system, you can pass it to Mercoa via the API or Admin UI.

If you do not have this data, you can use Mercoa’s payer onboarding flow to collect it.