Get Metrics
Get invoice metrics for an entity group with the given filters. Invoices will be grouped by currency. If none of excludePayables, excludeReceivables, payerId, vendorId, or invoiceId status filters are provided, excludeReceivables will be set to true.
Path parameters
Entity Group ID or Entity Group ForeignID
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
Query parameters
Find invoices by vendor name, invoice number, check number, or amount. Partial matches are supported.
Only return invoices that are not payable by the entity. This will return only invoices that are receivable by the entity.
Only return invoices that are not receivable by the entity. This will return only invoices that are payable by the entity.
Return invoice metrics grouped by date.
Return invoice metrics grouped by date. Defaults to daily.
Return invoice metrics grouped by.
Filter invoices by payer ID.
Filter invoices by vendor ID.
Filter invoices by assigned approver user ID.
Filter invoices by invoice ID or invoice foreign ID.
Invoice status to filter on
Start date filter. Defaults to CREATED_AT unless specified the dateType is specified
End date filter. Defaults to CREATED_AT unless specified the dateType is specified
Type of date to filter by if startDate and endDate filters are provided. Defaults to CREATED_AT.
Currency to filter on
If groupBy is provided, this will be the group by value.