Update notification policy associated with this entity
Path parameters
Entity ID or Entity ForeignID
Bearer authentication of the form Bearer <token>, where token is your auth token.
Set to true if the selected notification type should be disabled for this entity
List of user roles that should receive notifications in addition to the default users for this notification type
List of user IDs that should receive notifications in addition to the default users for this notification type
Set to true if the selected notification type should be sent to the counterparty if this is a payable invoice.
Set to true if the selected notification type should be sent to the counterparty if this is a receivable invoice.
True if the selected notification type is disabled for this entity
List of user roles that should receive notifications in addition to the default users for this notification type
List of user IDs that should receive notifications in addition to the default users for this notification type
True if the selected notification type should be sent to the counterparty if this is a payable invoice.
True if the selected notification type should be sent to the counterparty if this is a receivable invoice.