Get invoices for an entity group with the given filters.
Entity Group ID or Entity Group ForeignID
Return only invoices that are receivable by the entity.
Return only invoices that are payable by the entity.
Start date for invoice created on date filter.
End date for invoice created date filter.
Type of date to filter by if startDate and endDate filters are provided. Defaults to CREATED_AT.
Field to order invoices by. Defaults to CREATED_AT.
Direction to order invoices by. Defaults to asc.
Number of invoices to return. Limit can range between 1 and 100, and the default is 10.
The ID of the invoice to start after. If not provided, the first page of invoices will be returned.
Filter invoices by metadata. Each filter will be applied as an AND condition. Duplicate keys will be ignored.
Find invoices by vendor name, invoice number, or amount. Partial matches are supported.
Filter invoices by payer ID or payer foreign ID.
Filter invoices by vendor ID or vendor foreign ID.
Filter invoices by the ID or foreign ID of the user that created the invoice.
Filter invoices by assigned approver user ID.
Filter invoices by approver action. Needs to be used with approverId. For example, if you want to find all invoices that have been approved by a specific user, you would use approverId and approverAction=APPROVE.
Filter invoices by invoice ID.
Invoice status to filter on.
Filter invoices by recurring status
Total number of notifications for the given start and end date filters. This value is not limited by the limit parameter. It is provided so that you can determine how many pages of results are available.
True if there are more notifications available for the given start and end date filters.