Batch Payments

Batch payments allow your customers to pay multiple invoices in a single transaction.

Batch payments are currently only available for bankAccount and check payments. custom payments are not officially supported, but you can implement them yourself.

Enabling Batch Payments

To enable batch payments, you will set batchPayment on the invoice to true. This field will be true if the invoice is a batch payment, and false otherwise.

The Mercoa <PayableDetails /> React component also supports batch payments using the <PaymentOptions /> sub-component.

1curl -X POST \
2 -H "Authorization: Bearer <token>" \
3 -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
4 -d '{
5 "batchPayment": true

How Batch Payments Work

Mercoa will automatically batch payments for invoices that have the batchPayment field set to true. This means that you will not need to manually batch payments.

Mercoa uses the following logic to determine if an invoice is part of a batch:

  1. If the invoice has the batchPayment field set to true
  2. The invoice has the same payerId and vendorId
  3. The invoice has the same paymentSourceId and paymentDestinationId
  4. The invoice has the same paymentDestinationOptions
  5. The invoice has the same deductionDate

If any of these conditions are not met, the invoice will be considered a separate payment.

Bank Payments

Mercoa will send a single ACH payment for all invoices in a batch. The paymentDestinationOptions memo assumes that all the invoices in the batch contain the same memo, as one is chosen at random.

Check Payments

Mercoa will send a single check payment for all invoices in a batch. The check memo will contain the invoice numbers of all the invoices in the batch joined by a comma.